Respected guest,
I wish to see India as a strong and the best country of
the world. I have developed the website namely
“” to encourage the people in
I am of the view that proper development and utilisation
of technology can save India from the cancerous disease
of corruption and the present silent civil war where at
any time any body can suffer due to unpredicted road or
rail blockages by a protesting mob, 1984 type anti-Sikh
riots, 2002 type Godhra train burning incident and other
tragedies like accidents, rapes and terrorist attacks. The
information technology can help us tackle such problems
more efficiently. We need to act faster than the
culprits and we need to make the governing system
transparent not only to the public but also to the
persons sitting at the decision making positions. Most
our leaders don't get the reliable input at the proper
What prompted me to develop the is
my experience with famous institutes related to
following innovative ideas and my life tenure in Central
Water Commission.
Gravitational Attraction:
Surgery under Air Pressure:
Past Present Future:
click above link to
find these articles)
Our thinking system:
Device for Grain Size Analysis:
Mystery of invisible God:
During 1991-92, in Central Water Commission my indigenously designed
mathematical and hydrological models for river flow
forecasting system were destroyed along with the
magnetic tapes after the completion of UNDP aided Pilot
project (No.IND/85/058). The activity of the UNDP project was considered to be
so important that almost every fortnight some VIP was visiting the computer
centre. Several hydrologists form the neighboring countries like Pakistan,
Japan and China were shown the India's modern technology in the making.
I remember the scene of the
magnetic tapes getting rotten by heat and humidity in
the isolated corners of corridors and the computer room
being renovated again to accommodate another some other
World Bank aided project which gave opportunity of
foreign tours to Indian officials.
These magnetic tapes were having all the source code of
India’s indigenously developed flood forecasting models
and telemetry supported real time data base system along
with thousands of man days work devoted to store several
years hourly rainfall and discharge data for the Yamuna
river catchment up to Delhi. These most valuable Indian
models (CWCFF1 and PEM-FF), even at the development
stage, were giving excellent results for actual real
time forecasts for the river Yamuna at Delhi and Mawi.
The foreign acquired models from USA, Czechoslovakia and
Denmark never gave satisfactory results. In the closing
report of the UNDP project, SAUL COOPER, the principal
consultant of the project had acknowledged the supremacy
of India’s CWCFF1 model and advised for its further
refinement and development. I do not blame any
individual for such loss but the present governing
system which still lacks strict guidelines for
documentation of official records and proper monitoring
of follow up actions.
Now I am submitting above articles to the public
especially to those who are in the process of acquiring
new knowledge. I hope they will learn from my
experience. I request others to participate with their
own experiences and try to form a united forum for the
sake of technologies that are mostly ignored or
We need an organization to help independent inventers,
designers and writers in the matter related to
copyright, patent, prototype development and marketing
of their products. There should be a public
investigating agency to verify the research and
technological claims of the government organizations.
I request you to circulate this note among the
appropriate persons. May be some one will help us see
the beautiful new dawn.