December 3, 1987


Dear Mr. Rishiraj,

I  commend you for your initiative in developing mathematical and hydrological models for the UNDP/WMO project in India.

It is surprising that, without any formal computer training, you developed the real time data base management system which is used by all CWC flood forecasting programs. The programme was written in Fortran 77 for use on the HP-1000 computer located in the Upper Yamuna Circle in Delhi. It is also noted that you have undertaken other challenging assignments to modify existing mathematical/simulation models.

I have seen some of test results of India's own model ( CWC FF1 Model ) being developed by you and your Deputy Director, Mr. T. K. Mukhopadhyay, I appreciate your creative efforts and wish you all success.

Yours sincerely,

The activity of the UNDP project was considered to be so important that almost every fortnight some VIP was visiting the computer centre. Several hydrologists form the neighboring countries like Pakistan, Japan and China were shown the India's modern technology in the making. The computer room was like a tourist spot for many important visitors from other countries.